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Question Bank


Question Banks are a useful way to create a repository of questions that can be reused in multiple quizzes across different courses (if required). Question Banks are categorised to make reuse easier. The Question Bank will also let you see if a question is ready for use or a draft, which version the question is and where it has already been used.


Adding Questions to a Question Bank

  1. Login to Moodle and navigate to the course you’re wanting to create questions for.
  2. Click More > Question Bank from the navigation across the top of your course (just under your course’s title).
  3. You should now see all the categories available to your course as well as all the questions available.
  4. Select the category you want to work with and click Create a new question.
  5. Pick the question type and click Add.
  6. Create the question and click Save changes.
  7. Note: if you create a quiz and add a new question, it will add them to a default category which can be difficult to work with later. If you have set categories up in advance, you can select the correct category when you add a new question. This makes organising questions for use in multiple assessments much easier.

When you’re creating a new quiz and new questions if you select the category for each question this will then add them to the category.

Using a Question Bank

  1. Login to Moodle and navigate to the course you’re going to create your quiz in.
  2. Make sure editing is turned on (Edit mode – in the top right hand corner of Moodle)
  3. Set up a quiz and start to add questions – select from a question bank from the Add question menu.
  4. Select the category (question bank) that you want to use and then select the questions you want to add.
  5. Click Add selected questions to the quiz.

A note on question version

When you add a quiz question from the question bank, the version of the question will default to always latest. If you then update the question in the question bank, this will in turn update the question in every quiz using always latest versioning. This will not change the version of the question that appears in already-submitted attempts, preserving the integrity of the attempt.

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