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Sometimes a student may require an additional submission to an assignment, or an additional attempt to a quiz. Here is how you can grant these additional attempts.


Allowing a resit to an assignment

  1. Navigate to your course and find the assignment.
  2. Open the assignment then switch to the Settings tab.
  3. Under Submission settings, set Additional attempts to Manually.
  4. Click Save and display.
  5. Click View all submissions.
  6. Find the student you wish to grant an additional attempt.
  7. Under the Edit dropdown, select Allow another attempt.

Allowing a resit to an MCQ

  1. Navigate to your course and find the quiz.
  2. Open the quiz then under More select Overrides.
  3. Click Add user override.
  4. Search for the student in the Override user dropdown.
  5. Set the parameters of their attempt appropriately.
    Note: Number of attempts is total attempts, not additional attempts.
  6. Click Save.

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