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The assignment feature is a useful tool to allow students to submit a file (essay, report, assignment etc) on a given date or between two dates. Submissions can then be downloaded or assessed online. It can be set up with different marking schemes (e.g., rubrics and marking guides), and can also be used to mark observational assessments such as OSCEs without having students submit anything. Talk to your eLearning facilitator for advice on the pros and cons of these approaches.


How to create an Assignment

  1. Log into Moodle.
  2. Navigate to the course and section where you’ll be adding the assignment.
  3. Make sure editing is turned on and click the Add an activity or resource link in the bottom of the section.
  4. Select Assignment from the list and click Add.
  5. Give the Assignment a name and any other settings that apply:
    1. Availability – you can use these settings to limit access to the assignment. The assignment will always be visible but if outside submission allowed dates students will be unable to make any submissions. Submissions after the due date are allowed but are marked as late.
    2. Submission types – here you can choose what format the assignments should be submitted in – a file submission or online text (meaning the students enter the content of the assignment into a text box). You can also set word limits and sizes for the files.
    3. Group submission settings – this is used if the assignment is to be completed as part of a group. You can use the settings here to define whether or not everyone in a group needs to submit an assignment or just one assignment per group.
    4. Notifications – We recommend not enabling these settings. If you are the sole marker and wish to be emailed when students submit, please contact your elearning facilitator to ensure this is set up correctly. Notifying students is best done when all marking is completed and all assignments are released.
    5. Grade – use these settings to set how much an assignment is worth and how grades will appear to students and markers (scales, letter or numbers). If you’re using a rubric to grade set this up in the Grading Method. You can also set up blind marking and marking workflows (meaning marking goes through several stages before marks are released to students). Assignments are set up to use marking workflow by default
    6. Common module settings – use these settings to show or hide the assignment, as well as deciding if you need to view the results by groups. Use groupings if you want to limit the submissions to a certain set of groups – say only EPE groups.
    7. Restrict access – use these settings to restrict access to the assignment based on a rule or set of rules. These rules can be based on activity completion, date, grades, or a setting in the user profile. This is useful if you want the assignment to only be shown after a certain time.
  6. Click Save.

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