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The lesson module presents a series of pages to a student which can be a combination of question pages and content pages. Choices made in the questions will send a student to a different page in the lesson creating a very adaptive resource.


Create a Lesson

  1. Log in to Moodle ( or and navigate to the course/module you want to create the Lesson in.
  2. Ensure Edit mode is turned on (top right hand corner of Moodle).
  3. Find the area you want to add the Lesson to and click Add an activity or resource (it’ll be at the bottom of the section/topic).
  4. Make sure you give your Lesson a name, there are lots of other options available on the set up page – once you’re finished with the settings make sure you click Save and display
    1. Appearance – this includes options like displaying an on going score, using a progress bar, or allowing linked media.
    2. Availability – like most Moodle activities this allows you to decide when your Lesson is available (able to be seen and completed by students) – this can include time limits.
    3. Flow control – this gives you options including whether or not the student is able to review their attempt, or reattempt questions with no extra credit given.
    4. Grade – allows you to associate a grade with the Lesson
  5. Now you get to build your lesson – there are a few options here:
    1. Import questions – if you have pre-exisiting questions in a format that you can upload to Moodle (i.e GIFT or Moodle XML) you can do that here.
    2. Add a cluster – this is a group of question pages that are displayed to the student in a random order (easiest to have the question pages already made).
    3. Add a content page – this is a page to allow a student to move forwards in the Lesson but does not require them to answer any question/s.
    4. Add a question page – this is a page containing a question (types available: Multichoice, Essay, Matching, Numerical, Short answer, True/False).
  6. As you create the different pages in your lesson you will need to set Jumps – these are the paths that the student will take depending on how they answered. For example if a student answered something incorrectly you could send them back to the content page to get further information or you could send them to the end of the lesson.

You can test your Lesson out by changing your role to Student – click your user menu (either your photo or initials) in the top right hand corner and select Switch role to… and then choose Student. When you’re finished testing do the same steps again but click Return to my normal role.