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Lt – kuraCloud


Lt kuraCloud is a cloud-based eLearning system used to produce interactive lessons. Lt is produced and owned by ADInstruments who are based in Dunedin, New Zealand. ADInstruments also produce hardware (PowerLab) for science labs that can integrate with Lt.

Lt integrates with Moodle and other LMS (Learning Management Systems) via LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) which enables users to be synced to the lesson from Moodle and grades to be sent back to the Moodle gradebook from the Lt lesson.


Integrating Lt with Moodle

Moodle and Lt are able to be integrated together (much like Echo360 for lecture recordings) so your Lt lessons can appear in Moodle. The link above in Resources provides a nice video showing the following steps.

  1. Log in to Moodle ( or and navigate to the module/course you wish to add your Lt lesson to.
  2. Make sure edit mode is turned on (top right-hand corner).
  3. Navigate to the section you want the Lt lesson to appear in and click + Add an activity or resource.
  4. Select Lt (kuraCloud) Link from the list available.
  5. Click Select content and find your lesson from those available (only published lessons will appear in this list).
  6. Make sure you tick the lesson you want to link and click Link Selected Content.
  7. Review any of the other Moodle settings you may wish to use (for example Restrict Access if you want to limit who can see the lesson or when they see it).
  8. Click Save and return to course.
  9. Now you will see your new link within your course – click on it to sync students and grades.

Syncing Students to Lt from Moodle

In order for students to be able to access your Lt lessons they need to have an account with Lt and be associated with that lesson. The easiest way to do this from Moodle is to sync them. The following steps will make sure your students in Moodle have access to the Lt lesson you have linked.

  1. Log in to Moodle ( or and navigate to the module/course that you have linked to your Lt lesson.
  2. Navigate to the Lt lesson link you have already made and click on it.
  3. You will now see an Lt Integration page for this lesson with sections including Sync Students and Sync Grades from Lt Grading.
  4. Click Sync Students – this will then let you know what actions are being taken for your students.
  5. Click Sync Accounts Now if you are happy with the changes that will be made.

Note: if this is the first time a student has ever used Lt they will receive an email invite which they need to accept to create their account in Lt.

Syncing Grades from Lt to Moodle

Lt lessons are able to include gradable questions – if your lesson contains these you may wish to sync those grades back into the Moodle gradebook. The following steps will allow this to happen.

  1. Log in to Moodle ( or and navigate to the module/course that you have linked to your Lt lesson.
  2. Navigate to the Lt lesson link you have already made and click on it.
  3. You will now see an Lt Integration page for this lesson with sections including Sync Students and Sync Grades from Lt Grading.
  4. Click Sync Grades – this will then sync the grades for any lessons that have been completed.

Note: this sends the grades to Moodle for a single point in time. You will need to repeat the sync process to update the grades from Lt to Moodle if students continue to do work on the lesson.

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