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Copying Recordings

In the new Otago Capture copying a recording from one section to another can be done through your Library or the Course the recording is listed in. Please see Publish to another Course for more instructions.

Copying a recording from last years course

If you want to copy a video from a paper you taught last year but you are not set as the owner of the videos. The owner is usually the coordinator of the paper Then you can use these steps to create a copy of that recording and put that copy into this year’s course.

  1. Find the course from which you to copy the recording (ie last year’s course). If you were an instructor in that course you can find it under “My Courses” on the Echo360 site, which you can access by clicking on the echo360 icon at the top left of any Echo360 page.
  2. Go to the “Settings” area.
  3. Go to “Features” and you will need to turn on the “Allow Instructors and Teaching Assistants to copy course content”
  4. Then go back to Classes and find the recording you wish to transfer to the current section. Click on the play icon (a green triangle inside a circle) and choose “Create Copy”. Then click yes.
  5. This will create a copy in your Library, you can get to your library by clicking on the echo360 icon in the top left of the page, Once there go to “My Content”
  6. Sort your content by “Date Created” to find the recording you just copied. Click on the three dots on the video and choose “Share”.
  7. A pop-up dialog will appear called Share Settings, choose “Class” then fill in the Course code, Term and section. You should create a new class, it is less complicated than using an existing one.
  8. Click on “Share” at the bottom of the screen and the recording will be in the class.


A copy is also created when you choose to ‘Save As’ when editing a media item.

If you are the owner of the recording you can find it in your Library and use Sharing and Publishing to share it with this years course

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