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Welcome to Otago Blogs

Otago Blogs is a blogging service offered at the University of Otago for teaching and learning, administration and research. You could keep a research diary, publish your projects online, or create an interactive website.

What is a blog?

A blog (web-log) is a type of website that easily maintains chronological posts (articles, journal entries), images and static pages. Typically blogs have a few things in common:

  • A main area with chronologically listed posts (newest to oldest)
  • An archive of older posts
  • Comments and feedback from readers
  • A list of links to other related or interesting sites
  • RSS (real simple syndication) feeds

How do I get help with my Otago blog?

You will find many self-help pages and videos here. They cover topics from a quick introduction to the blogging system, to more in-depth explanations of posts, comments, settings and much more.

If you’re still struggling with the system or you have a question that isn’t answered here contact AskOtago

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