What is the Events Calendar?
Within the system that runs Otago Blogs (and Podcasts), WordPress, there is already a built in calendar widget. This widget displays a calendar showing when posts have been published. This help site page discusses a more functional calendar, the All-In-One Event Calendar. The All-In-One Event Calendar is a plugin which allows you to display a calendar of events within your blog site. Some of the following functions are included in this plugin:
- Month, week and agenda views
- Upcoming events widget
- Colour-coded categories
- Recurring events
- Import and Export of .ics feeds (iCal feeds)
How do I get the Events Calendar on my site?
You will need to go to the Plugins section of your Dashboard and find All-In-One Event Calendar and activate it.
Once the plugin is activated you will be asked to set it up – do this by going to the Settings page of the plugin (in the left hand menu Events > Settings). Here you decide what timezone you want to be using (you will find Auckland in the Pacific section) and where you want your calendar to appear. Once you have finished with the settings make sure you update them.
Now you’re ready to start creating events – do this by going to the Add New section of Events (in your left hand menu). You’ll see a page that looks very much like an Add New Post page, fill in the title and content as usual then scroll down to the Event Detail section. In this section you can define how long the event lasts, if it repeats, where it is, how much it costs and contact details. Remember to Publish your event for it to appear in your calendar.
Short Codes
‘A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would normally require lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line. Shortcode = shortcut’ (from WordPress.com Support).
If you want to achieve a bit more with your calendar you can use some of the following shortcodes:
- Monthly view: [ai1ec view=”monthly”]
- Weekly view: [ai1ec view=”weekly”]
- Agenda view: [ai1ec view=”agenda”]
- Default view as per settings: [ai1ec]
- Filter by event category name: [ai1ec cat_name=”halloween”]
- Filter by event category names (separate names by comma): [ai1ec cat_name=”Halloween, Thanksgiving Day”]
- Filter by event category id: [ai1ec cat_id=”1″]
- Filter by event category ids (separate ids by comma): [ai1ec cat_id=”1, 2″]
- Filter by event tag name: [ai1ec tag_name=”halloween”]
- Filter by event tag names (separate names by comma): [ai1ec tag_name=”Halloween, Thanksgiving Day”]
- Filter by event tag id: [ai1ec tag_id=”1″]
- Filter by event tag ids (separate ids by comma): [ai1ec tag_id=”1, 2″]
- Filter by post id: [ai1ec post_id=”1″]
- Filter by post ids (separate ids by comma): [ai1ec post_id=”1, 2″]
The shortcode is all the code between and including the square brackets ([ ]). All you need to do is write the shortcode you require in your page or post and the system will do the rest for you.