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Legacy SafeAssign


This page contains information about SafeAssignments created before the Blackboard upgrade of 6 & 7 December 2014.

In December 2014 SafeAssign was integrated with the Assignment Content Item replacing  the stand-alone SafeAssign feature. As a result this has created two methods for students to submit assignments to SafeAssign: The integrated option for new assignments and the stand-alone Content Item for assignment that were created before December 2014.  Below are the instructions and guidelines for the legacy SafeAssign content items.



How to turn the SafeAssign tool on/off:

If you have tried to use SafeAssign and found it missing, or received a ‘privileges’ error message , you may need to make the tool available again by following these instructions:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Customisation > Tool Availability
  2. Find SafeAssign  in the list and check its ‘availability status’.

Setting up a Draft SafeAssignment

  1. Log into Blackboard and go to your paper.
  2. Open the content area you wish to use (i.e Assignments, Course Documents).
  3. In the “Assessment”, choose “SafeAssignment”.
  4. Give your Draft SafeAssignment a name (for example – Essay 1 Draft).
  5. Enter any instructions in the instruction box.  We recommend:
    Please submit your draft essay here.  You will be able to view the SafeAssign report after you have uploaded the file and it has been checked.  If you have any problems submitting your file, please contact the HelpDesk and your lecturer or tutor.
  6. If you would like to limit this SafeAssignment so that it only appears after, before, or between specific dates, specify these in the “Availability” section.
  7. Leave the “Points Possible” as 0 (zero).  Otherwise, the draft SafeAssignment may interfere with points calculations in your Grade Centre.
  8. Tick “Draft”.  This is important.  If you don’t do this, when students submit their final version, they will all match with their draft submissions.
  9. Leave “student Viewable” set to “Yes”.  This ensures that students can read their draft SafeAssign report.
  10. If you would like to create an Announcement about this SafeAssignment, fill out the Optional Announcement section.
  11. Click Submit.

Remember – you must also create a Final Submission SafeAssignment.

Setting up a Final Submission SafeAssignment

  1. Log into Blackboard and go to your paper.
  2. Open the content area you wish to use (i.e Assignments, Course Documents).
  3. In the “Create Assessment”, choose “SafeAssignment”.
  4. Give your SafeAssignment a name (for example – Essay 1 Final Submission).
  5. Enter any instructions in the instruction box.  We recommend:
    Please submit the final submission of your essay here.  You will not be able to view the SafeAssign report after you have uploaded the file and it has been checked.  If you have any problems submitting your file, please contact the HelpDesk and your lecturer or tutor.
  6. If you would like to limit this SafeAssignment so that it only appears after, before, or between specific dates, specify these in the “Availability” section.
  7. Assign the appropriate number “Points Possible”.
  8. Ensure “Draft” is not ticked.  This is important.  If you don’t do this, the assignments won’t be stored in the Otago University SafeAssign storage area and you won’t be able to compare next years’ essays with this years’.
  9. Set “Student Viewable” to “No”.
  10. If you would like to create an Announcement about this SafeAssignment, fill out the Optional Announcement section.
  11. Click Submit.

Downloading SafeAssignments

SafeAssignments are slightly different than regular Blackboard Assignments. If you want to download all of your student-submitted SafeAssignments at once:

  1. In the Control Panel, go to Course Tools – SafeAssign.
  2. Click on SafeAssignments.
  3. Click on the context menu () by the name of the SafeAssignment and choose “View Submissions”.
  4. Click “Download All Submissions”.

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