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Blackboard has the facility to email students within your course. Emails can be sent to individual student, groups of students or the entire class.


How to send an email through Blackboard

  1. In the Control Panel of your course open the Course Tools section
  2. Click Send Email
  3. Choose the recipient types
  4. Compose the email
  5. Click submit


When Blackboard sends emails the address list is not revealed to recipients to protect the privacy of your students and staff

How to turn the Email Tool on/off

If you have tried to use Email and found it missing, or received a ‘privileges’ error message , you may need to make the tool available again by following these instructions:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Customisation > Tool Availability
  2. Find the Email  in the list and check its ‘availability status’.

You can limit the availability of the email tool to students so that SPAM-like messages are not sent to the entire class. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Customisation > Tool Availability
  2. Find the Email  and click the chevron then clock Email Settings
  3. Uncheck the email options you would like students NOT to be able to send email to.

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