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A Blackboard “Syllabus” is simply a content template. It’s a content item that has pre-defined sections that you can fill out with information about the description, learning objectives and required materials of your paper; you can also add “Lessons” to the syllabus.


Creating a Syllabus with lessons

A Syllabus can be added to any content area in Blackboard. By default, content areas are named “Course Information”, “Course Documents”, “Assignments”, etc, but Blackboard allows you to name your content areas whatever you like.

To add a Syllabus:

  1. Go to the content area (Course Documents, etc) that you want to add the Syllabus to.
  2. Click Build Content and select Syllabus from the drop-down list
  3. Give your Syllabus a name, and then either choose “Create New Syllabus” or “Use Existing File”.
  4. If you choose “Use Existing File”, you’ll need to click “Browse” to locate the file on your computer, and then double-click it to select it. When you click “Submit”, the file will be attached to the Syllabus – choosing this option is no different than creating an “Item” and attaching a file to it.
  5. If you choose “Create a New Syllabus”, click “Submit” to move to the next step.
  6. A Syllabus comes prepopulated with three sections: a Description, Learning Objectives, and Required Materials. You can use these headings or type in your own, and type/paste information in the text boxes as needed (if you don’t want a section, just delete the heading and leave the text area blank. Unfortunately, you can’t have more than three sections, though).
  7. Choose a design and colour scheme.
  8. Choose the number (if any) of “Lessons” to add. Each “Lesson” consists of a title and some descriptive text.
  9. Set Availability and Tracking options, as required.
  10. Click Submit.
  11. If you have chosen to create Lessons, you can click button beside each Lesson to add a title, date restrictions, and a lesson description. Use the “Add Lesson” and “Delete Lesson” buttons to add/remove Lessons.