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Items and folders are the basic content building blocks of a Blackboard site.  A Folder works in the same way that a folder on your computer does: they contain content (like Items, Tests, Learning Units, URLS’s, etc).


Adding a Folder to a content area

A Folder can be added to any content area in Blackboard. By default, content areas are named “Course Information”, “Course Documents”, “Assignments”, “Labs”, etc, but Blackboard allows you to name your content areas whatever you like. Folders are useful for organising and structuring the content in your paper.

To add a Folder:

  1. Go to the content area (Course Documents, etc) that you want to add the folder to
  2. Click the Build Content button and find Content Folder
  3. Type a name for the folder into the “Name” field
  4. Type a description of the folder contents into the “Text” box.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. If you want to make the folder visible to students based on criteria (such as grades, group membership etc), use the Adaptive Release function after creating the folder.

NOTE: to add content to a folder, you must click on the name of the folder to “enter” it, then add the content.

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